Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dear Sir: The Confrontation Diary

If I were Venus Raj, I think I have an answer to the question: "What is the biggest mistake in your life?" And that would be - "Posting a provocative facebook status." ^^

I started a fire.

A line from Justin Timberlake's song "Cry Me A River" goes like this:
"You know what they say, some things are better left unsaid."

But I have no regrets. In fact, I am thankful for what happened. This is my letter to you, sir.

Dear Sir,

You are both right and wrong.

You are right
when you pointed out something with that facebook wall photo.
Umarte lang ng naaayon sa itsura. Pag hindi masyadong maganda, wag masyadong maarte.
If that Alessandra de Rossi quote is a universal truth then I have absolutely no right na mag-inarte, no doubt about it. I am fully aware that I am not good-looking, I just want to be at least presentable and if my occasional mirror peek makes you and your cronies cringe, then let me tell you this - stop applying powder to your face because it doesn't help at all but if it makes you confident then go ahead.

You are right
when you said

Hindi simple magsulat, it's not a mindless matter.

Sir, this made me laugh because I got an impression that what we are doing (link building) is mindless. Whether it's what you're thinking or not, link building is based on principles and algorithm, there is science and even math in what we do. I know you don't give a shit but I tell you it involves brain activities. You know sir, instead of asking content from you (every time we need some for our link building efforts), I choose to write my own because I don't want to disturb you and I agree that it's not an easy task.

Can't you be a man just this once by saying those tweets and FB status updates straight to my face? Well then, you should thank me for still calling you "sir". You know what sir? I don't really understand your purpose in doing that. For me, it's your way of letting other people know that you are bitching someone up. Your friends will leave comments which is comparable to shooting in the dark, you fish them and make everything look like they have full knowledge of what happened and they are in favor of you. You will then feel high and mighty while others bask in your glory. I find it pathetic, sir. It's a great display of cowardice. Let's take a look at your tweet here...
Work ethic. Not everyone has it. Oh, and talk about paranoia and negativity. Go on, take everything we do the wrong way. Make our day!
Wow, just wow! Someone who submits articles late and who sleeps during working hours is talking about work ethic. Very credible, sir. Very credible! *applause*

Sir, don't you have the fucking balls to say those to my face? You are indeed good at utilizing social media to your advantage... but you can't throw them at my face. Let me remind you sir, I am sitting just behind you. You are a fucking blabbermouth diva! A fucking coward~!

You are wrong
hindi ako nag-iinarte

Ang daming nagiinarte sa mundo! Puros arte, nasaway lang dahil sa ingay nagiinarte na. Hindi simple magsulat, it's not a mindless matter. Simpleng bagay pinapalaki. Puros arte!

If you are thinking na naginarte ako dahil nasaway lang, then you are mistaken. Hindi ako ganun kababaw. Wait did it even occur to you na may malalim na pinag-ugatan un? Of course not! It's because you are insensitive, sir. It's that simple.

Sir, the "ingay" issue is not something na pinalaki ko. I already explained it to your sister (ask her), we already talked about it, I proposed an action plan to the link building team and everything ended well (I think). On another note sir, when do you say a person is nag-iinarte? I didn't throw a barrage of status on FB and twitter... it's just a single post (that affected you big time) as opposed to your everyday twitter rants... so technically... nag-iinarte ka rin? Everyday? So if that single post irritated you, then you could just imagine how others feel reading your sentiments in twitter (ah! i can unfollow you nga pala, sorry my bad). Ikaw rin naman may mga pinapatamaan ka sa twitter, I can see that. So sir, if those people reacted the way you do... can I now say you just had a taste of your own medicine? Bitter, isn't it? LOL.

You are wrong
because you are impulsive and you let prejudice take over you that is why you failed to get my point. Sir, you failed to get my point because you keep on saying that I'm talking stuff that are out of context. Sir, you are insisting that I'm saying out of the context stuff because you are unwilling to listen and understand my side. Sir, you are unwilling to listen and understand my side because you saw an opportunity to put that bitchy character you see in movies and soaps into practice. MAS INUNA MO PA MANLAIT BAGO ALAMIN ANG NANGYAYARI. Well, it's useless din pala, I guess. Did I already mention "unwilling to listen and understand my side"? Oh, wait I already did. LOL!

Yes I am, sir! It's because you started it! This would've been fixed and gotten over with if you didn't get personal with me. I bite hard and deep if situation calls for it. Sir, I started a chat with you with an apology and what did I get in return? A bunch of insults. Well, what do you expect from a ranter? XD

It's funny because I didn't even see a trace of eagerness to patch things up, it seems like you don't want to lift a finger. Oh wait, you actually did lift a finger... in typing those status, that is.

I am thankful
Sir, I thank you with what happened. I learned a lot from this experience. Not all arguments can be settled but there must be a common ground somewhere. Any misunderstanding can be settled, if you have an open mind. E hindi e, you got mad when I said you are dictating how we should feel about stuff. In our "friendly" chat you said something like:
"Wala lang samin un - WALA DAPAT ma offend dun."
So, you are not being a dictator with that statement? Here's the thing sir, a person can never accurately point out what's wrong with him/herself. Not unless he/she would stop and examine himself/herself through the eyes of others BUT you are the type of person who would never even care to think about it because subconsciously you think your opinion is all that matters.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the reason why you don't talk to me and joke around with me the way you casually do with others is because you know my capacity... and you can't dominate me. Good thinking, sir. It's a nice move~!

Sir, sayang. I have so much respect for you but in just a snap, it disappeared just like that. Minsan lang tayo mag-usap ng masinsinan, sa ganitong sitwasyon pa. Ang inaakala kong makakasundo ko, makakabangga ko pala. Sir, I know you don't care and I know how annoying I have become to you pero sir, you know what? You should thank me for calling you "sir" kahit most of the time mas malandi ka pa kay Madonna.


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