Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Last Smile

The castle is under siege. The fortress that is once impregnable is now engulfed in flames. The stone walls that took years to build are now shattered by enemy rams. The royal knight took the prince at the hidden exit at the back of the castle.

The royal knight told his prince that he should go back and fight and his majesty must take the hidden passageway that would lead him to the forest where it is safe. It suddenly rained heavily, the number of raindrops equates to the number of casualties as more and more enemy cavalries arrive.

The royal knight promised to return back to his majesty alive but deep inside and they know very well that it is a promise that is impossible to fulfill. The enemy found them, the royal knight did his best to ward off hundreds of enraged brutes. The prince shook his head in conformity, smiled at him turned around and ran as fast as he could.

It was a bloody encounter, the royal knight is outnumbered. The prince looked back, he saw his royal knight facing towards his direction... smiling. The prince fled to safety and will now have to wait for his royal knight...

The prince never knew that a poisoned arrow pierced through his royal knight's armor... and is slowly killing him. The royal knight, using all the strength he has left struck his sword to his leg so he won't fall and with all his might, he smiled at his fleeing prince because for the last time, he wants his prince to see him smiling... and he is worth dying for.

The heavy rain was a blessing... it masked the royal knight's heavy tears. Then he submitted to death... smiling.


Ronski said...

This is beautiful.

Admin said...

Thank you very much, Saints_Zero

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